No, not the traditional questions of passover. I already know why this night is different from all other nights. I have a bigger question. Is the substitution of tortillas for matzo kosher... not that they sell bread or yeast in my town anyways but I was just wondering since I have scoured the markets of northern Guatemala and have found no sign of Matzo, or really anything Jewish for that matter
That's the beauty of Passover, you can just "passover" the religious requirements. After all, if there is nothing jewish in Guatemala, who's to tell you what you can and can't do? As Marie Antoinetovich said, "Let them eat Kischke."
i'm going to agree with bruce on this one :) if you had even just *thought* about matzah, DAYENU, it would have been enough! but i think the fact that you looked for it in the market shows plenty of dedication!
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